Taki Govt. College

Taki Government College

[Accredited by NAAC since 26 September 2018]

Affiliated to West Bengal State University (WBSU)

Vision , Mission, Priority & Thrust


Taki Government College was established at a critical juncture after independence with the vision to educate the uprooted young men and women and integrate them into the main stream of the society, to make them socially responsible citizens by inculcating human values and to prepare them for getting established as flourishingly productive human resources. Since then the college has strived to impart quality education to the students at low cost and to make the students self-reliant and instill in them confidence and leadership qualities so that they can contribute towards nation building. The college  emphasizes not only on the academic achievements of the students but also tries to equip them with the skills necessary for facing the job market through experiential learning, organization of regular career counseling sessions etc. With the introduction of NEP and its emphasis on skill formation the college has introduced several Multidisciplinary and Add-on Courses which aim to enhance employability skills of the students.

Being a government institution the college follows decentralized and participatory administration.Taki Government College falls under direct authoritative supervision of Education Directorate (ED), which exerts  jurisprudence with that of Department of Higher Education (DHE), Government of West Bengal. In academic matters, the college is guided by the affiliating West Bengal State University's statutory academic stipulations to the extent ratified, and earmarked by the ED and the DHE. All major academic decisions are taken only after due discussion in Teachers’ Council (TC) meeting. All academic affairs are carried out by the different TC sub-committees constituted by the Principal in coordination with Teachers’ Council Secretary (TCS). Along with the teachers, the support staff members and student representatives are also included in certain selected committees and cells. Teacher representatives in the Governing Body and the IQAC contribute significantly in setting and implementation of institutional goals. Feedback is collected from the stakeholders   and analyzed and steps are taken on the basis of the feedback received.

In spite of several infrastructural constraints the college accommodates as many students as possible because the college believes that access to higher education is extremely valuable for students especially for those who come from the economically challenged households. The college functions as a knowledge hub and reaches out to the underprivileged sections of the society through its students, teachers, support-staffs and the NSS unit. The college acts as a mentor not only for its students but also the surrounding population.


The following are the missions of the college:

  • To increase the number of Postgraduate programmes and skill development courses
  • To enhance progressively the infrastructural facilities of the Institution
  • To equip all the Laboratories with modern facilities so that students can avail best possible hands-on learning exposure.
  • To infuse more and more ICT facilities and courses.
  • To equip the Library with newer and latest publications as well as contemporary facilities so that students can make best use of it for their career building.


  • To impart quality and value based education to all coming from varied social and economical background and thus to maintain the essence of inclusiveness.
  • To put determined efforts in nourishing all around development of the students and to thus make them achieve their cherished goal.
  • To empower the women students by encouraging them to go for higher education so that they get extensive access to the domain of contemporary knowledge reserve and can acquire compeer prominence with all others in the Society upholding the constitutional paradigm of equality.
  • To engrain understanding and permeate confidence amongst the differently abled students about their latent potentials and thus to bring them in the mainstream of the Society.
  • To endeavour for implementing the scheme of 'Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education' and hence to make the process of imparting education contextual and appealing.
  • To develop awareness among all the young students about their social responsibilities and to infuse knowledge as well as human values within them so that they become good citizens and take active part in societal progress.


  • To extend all possible support and opportunities to the students from the weaker sections of society so that all can access higher education without any discrimination.
  • To generate awareness amongst the students, particularly those from marginal economical background, about the availability of various scholarships and stipends so that they can put their prime efforts prevalently for academic pursuit and flourish.
  • To provide hostel and other allied facilities to students coming from far off places and from marginal background so that they can concentrate more on their academic career.
  • To provide required assistance to the differently abled students to the highest extent realizable so as to enhance their self-reliance and thus to make them come to the mainstream of social life.
  • To create a substantive pool of devices essential to ICT Learning such as Computers, LCD Projectors, Internet facility & all allied peripherals, and to make them accessible for teaching as well as for informative self-education of students.
  • To encourage and support the students to take active part in extracurricular activities such as games and sports, indoor games, cultural performances, National Service Schemes (NSS) and other prototypes, so that they remain in good health and have sound minds which would essentially improve their academic performance and boost their creative instincts.