Taki Govt. College

Taki Government College

[Accredited by NAAC since 26 September 2018]

Affiliated to West Bengal State University (WBSU)

Fees Structure

3-year Bachelor’s degree Multidisciplinary Course of Studies in Arts

Sl No. Broad Category Admn. Fees Tuitio n Fee (12 Month) Lab Caution Money Lib Caution Money Pankh a Fee S.H. Home S. Union S.U. Elect Magazine Common Room Athletic Fee Student Aid Fund College Id Card Fee Int. Assessment Charges Total per Year Total Course Fee in Three Year
1 HUMANITI ES 50 50X12 =600 0 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 957 2871
2 SOCIAL SCIENCES 50 50X12 =600 0 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 957 2871
3 PHYSICAL SCIENCES 85 85X12 =1020 15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 142 7 4281
4 LIFE SCIENCES 85 85X12 =1020 15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1427 4281

Single Major Programme 4-Year Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) With Major

Sl No. Major Programme Admn Fees Tuition Fee (12 Month) Lab Caution Money Lib Caution Money Pankha Fee S.H.
Magazine Common Room Athletic Fee Student Aid Fund College Id Card Fee Int.
Assessment Charges
Total Per Year Total Course Fee in Four Year
1 BENGALI 75 75X12
0 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1282 5128
2 ENGLISH 75 75X12
0 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1282 5128
3 SANSKRIT 75 75X12
0 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1282 5128
4 HISTORY 75 75X12
0 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1282 5128
0 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1282 5128
0 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1282 5128
7 ECONOMICS 110 110X12
15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1752 7008
8 PHYSICS 110 110X12
15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1752 7008
9 CHEMISTRY 110 110X12
15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1752 7008
10 GEOGRAPHY 110 110X12
15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1752 7008
11 ZOOLOGY 110 110X12
15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1752 7008
12 BOTANY 110 110X12
15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1752 7008
13 MATHEMATICS 110 110X12
15 5 2 10 25 10 40 5 15 5 90 100 1752 7008