Taki Govt. College

Taki Government College

Accredited by NAAC with Grade B+(CGPA 2.73)
since 30th January 2025

Affiliated to West Bengal State University (WBSU)

Committee Assemblage

IQAC Committee Members

This is for general information that the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Taki Government College needed to be rephrased owing to the transfer out of some teacher members from this College. Accordingly the IQAC is recast in terms of representation of Teacher Members to the same and the rephrased IQAC reads as follows:

Profile of Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Taki Government College

  Name Designation
1. Chairperson Dr. Shanta Mukhopadhyay Officer-in-charge, Taki Government College
2. Coordinator Dr. Saubhik Das Head & Associate Professor of Botany, Taki Government College
3. Senior officer in Administrative & Management - SDO, Basirhat Sub-division, North 24 Parganas and President, Governing Body, Taki Government College
4. Senior Administrative officer Dr. Sourav Chakraborty Principal, Bidhannagar Govt. College
5. Nominee from local society Soumendra Nath Gangopadhyay President, Dighir Ganguly Foundation Trust, Registered NGO (Regn No. VVB/2017/0152969)
6. Nominee from student Roni Biswas Student, 5th Semester, College Roll - 2716
7. Nominee from Alumni Somnath Mukherjee Chairman, Taki Municipality
8. Nominee from stakeholder Swapan Pal Guardian
9. Teacher members Dr. Bhaskar De Head & Associate Prof. of Physics
Dr. Subhasree Sengupta Associate Prof. of Zoology
Dr. Sudeshna Chattopadhyay Associate Prof. of Economics
Dr. Koushik Das Assistant Prof. of Mathematics
Safiqul Islam Assistant Prof. of Mathematics
Kinshuk Nandi Assistant Prof. of Political Science
Dr. Sayantan Ganguly Assistant Prof. of Chemistry
Dr. Debarati Nandy Assistant Prof. of Philosophy