Taki Govt. College

Taki Government College

Accredited by NAAC with Grade B+(CGPA 2.73)
since 30th January 2025

Affiliated to West Bengal State University (WBSU)

Discipline For Students

  • Students admitted to this college must obey the rules and regulations of the college.
  • Smoking, Chewing tobacco etc. are strictly prohibited in the college compound. Use of drugs or any kind of intoxication is not acceptable in any kind of intoxication is not acceptable in any form in this college.
  • Students must carry with them the Photo Identity (P.I.) card issued by the college office only and produce the same on demand. P.I. Card procured from any other source will not be accepted. In case of loss of the same, they must apply to the college office for a duplicate along with a copy of General Diary (G.D.) form police station nearest to the sight of loss.
  • If a student is absent from the college without notice for more than one month, his/her name will be struck off from the college register. 75% attendance is mandatory for appearing in University Examination.
  • Students must be well informed about the notices displayed on the college notice board. For clarification they should consult the concerned section of college office.
  • Applications for issuance of certificates (transfer, character etc.) forms (railway concession), duplicate identity card etc. must be submitted to the concerned section of the college office least seven working days, in advance.
  • For any query or assistance students are to consult the Head Clerk or other office staff.
  • Student must not submit any application directly to the Principal.
  • Students should meet the Principal only on advice of Head Clerk during visiting hours only.
  • The Principal may, without assigning any reason require a student to leave the college if he considers such action necessary for the interest of the college and shall grant a transfer certificate.
  • Students must keep the college premises clean and maintain the sanctity of the college. Spitting inside the college premises is strictly prohibited. Making noise and sitting on the stairs are strictly prohibited. Students must dress up modestly while in college.
  • Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the college campus and in hostels. Exemplary punishment will be taken against the culprit as per existing Govt. rules.
  • Students are encouraged to join N.S.S. and N.C.C. units of the college.