Taki Govt. College

Taki Government College

Accredited by NAAC with Grade B+(CGPA 2.73)
since 30th January 2025

Affiliated to West Bengal State University (WBSU)

Career counselling and placement

Performance of Career Counselling and Placement Cell (Industry Interaction), Taki Government College

Taki Government College serves a huge number of student aspirants. This Institution plays an active role in the all round development of the students. For this purpose the college authority provides all possible opportunities, ample scope and the required facilities to the students for the comprehensive development of their personality and also tries to inculcate leadership qualities in them. However since many students come from remote villages and are mostly first or second generation learners so they need a lot of grooming and training to develop their soft skills and personality along with their communication skills.

The Career Counselling and the Placement Cell of Taki Government College, since its inception in 2015 has been actively engaged in various activities all the year round to cater to the needs of the young learners .The Career Counselling and the Placement Cell has conducted different Career Awareness Programmes to groom the students so that they can face the job market with ease.

This Cell had also organised a Campus Interview in collaboration with BMA Wealth Creators Ltd. a customised financial service provider in order to place the students of this college in suitable positions in this Company.

The Career Counselling and the Placement Cell throughout the year organizes a plethora of workshops, seminars, career counselling sessions, talks and lectures for the welfare of the students such that the students can be trained well and made aware of the relevant issues prevailing in the job market. The Cell had also organized some in -house workshops on Soft Skills and Communication Skills Development; Personality development etc. so that the students are well groomed and can face the challenges of the job market. The faculty members and the members of the Career Counselling and the Placement Cell always motivate the students to sit for different job interviews and prepare for the Government jobs. The Cell also provides immense support to the students regarding different career opportunities available in the market. The Cell is also interested in organizing more seminars, talks and Career Counselling sessions and Campus Placements for the betterment of the students in the near future.

Academic Session 2024-2025

July 2024- December 2024 (Total: 06)
09.07.2024 A Webinar on National Apprentice Training Scheme (NATS) Awareness Programme organized by Career Counseling and Placement Cell Taki Government College. 100 3pm – 4.30pm Y
02.08.2024 A Career Counselling Session jointly organised by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell, TGC and Rice Barasat. 20 11.30 am – 1.30 pm Y
13.09.2024 A Campus Placement and Recruitment Drive jointly organised by JagaranMicrofin Pvt. Ltd. and the Career Counselling and Placement Cell, TGC 80 12pm – 2 pm Y
25.11.2024 Career Talk Programme, jointly organised by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell – TGC and the District Employment Exchange - Basirhat 94 12pm – 2 pm Y
18.12.2024 Sensitization Programme organised by SDLRO, Basirhat on ‘Empowering future generations through Land Literacy’ on 18.12.2024 55 11am – 2 pm Y
20.12.2024 Special Seminar on ‘The Scope of Journalism’ jointly organised by the Department of Political Science and the Career Counselling and Placement Cell 73 11.30-1 pm Y

A Webinar on National Apprentice Training Scheme (NATS) Awareness Programme organized by Career Counseling and Placement Cell Taki Government College on 09.07.2024.Click here for

A Career Counseling Session jointly organized by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell, TGC and Rice Barasat.

A Campus Placement and Recruitment Drive jointly organized by Jagaran Microfin Pvt. Ltd. and the Career Counselling and Placement Cell, TGC

Career Talk Programme, jointly organized by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell – TGC and the District Employment Exchange – Basirhat

Sensitization Programme organized by SDLRO, Basirhat on ‘Empowering future generations through Land Literacy’

Special Seminar on ‘The Scope of Journalism’ jointly organized by the Department of Political Science and the Career Counselling and Placement Cell

Academic Session 2023-2024

01.12.2023 Workshop on Advanced career prospects in the field of IT (Non-Technical) organized by Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College in association with Anudip Foundation 53 11am-1pm Y
03.01.2024   Career Counselling Seminar jointly organized by The George Telegraph Training Institute, Barasat and Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College 37 11.30am-1.30pm Y
01.03.2024 Interactive session with Mr. Alamgir Mondal, employee of Indian Railways for preparation of different competitive examinations -organized by Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College 89 11.30am -1.30pm Y
04.03.2024 Career Counselling Seminar and Interactive Session on ‘Career Opportunities in the Pharmaceutical Industries’ was conducted by Educyte ( A Division of MendineErythroNET Private Limited) -Organized by Career Counselling and Placement Cell Taki Government College 53 12.30pm-2.30pm Y
15.03.2024 & 16.03.2024 (online quiz) Seminar on ‘Financial Education for Young Citizens’ organized by Career Counseling and Placement Cell Taki Government College and National Institute of Securities Market (NISM). 48 11am- 4pm Y


Workshop on Advanced career prospects in the field of IT (Non-Technical) organized by Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College in association with Anudip Foundation


Career Counselling Seminar jointly organized by The George Telegraph Training Institute, Barasat and Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College


Interactive session with Mr. Alamgir Mondal, employee of Indian Railways for preparation of different competitive examinations -organized by Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College


Career Counselling Seminar and Interactive Session on ‘Career Opportunities in the Pharmaceutical Industries’ was conducted by Educyte ( A Division of MendineErythroNET Private Limited) -Organized by Career Counselling and Placement Cell Taki Government College


Seminar on ‘Financial Education for Young Citizens’ organized by Career Counseling and Placement Cell Taki Government College and National Institute of Securities Market (NISM).

15.03.2024 & 16.03.2024

(online quiz)

Academic Session 2015-2023

Click here for The photographs of some of programmes held by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell.

The programmes organized by the Cell till date is listed below:

Date Programme/Event Organised by Details of the ProgrammeNo of students’ participants
16.12.2015 A Seminar on Indian Capital Markets :Functions and Career Opportunities The Department of Economics and the Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College in association with the Calcutta Stock Exchange Investor Protection Fund, the Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd. have organized this one-day seminar. The speakers were Ms S. Senthilkumar and A. Kundu from the Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd who spoke on the topic Indian Capital Markets :Functions and Career Opportunities  
17.03.2016 In-house Workshop on Soft Skill development The Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College. The in-house faculty members Ms. Seemantini Chattopadhyay and Dr. Abhijeet De delivered lectures on the techniques of CV Writing.  
21.03.2016 Career Awareness Programme on “Career as a Company Secretary.” The Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College and the Department of Economics in association with ICSI(Institute of Company Secretaries of India) The speaker was Mr.S. Sreejesh from ICSI and he delivered a lecture on the topic “Career as a Company Secretary.”  
12.04.2016 In-house Workshop on Soft Skill and Personality Development The Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College. The in-house faculty members Ms. Sushrita Mukherjee and Dr. Abhijeet De delivered lectures on the Communication Skill and Personality Development  
23.09.2016 Career Awareness
Programme on Visual Effects and Animation titled “Career orientation in VFX and Animation
The Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College in collaboration with VFX and Animation Academy, Reliance Education. The Speakers were Mr.Hari.Prasad Acharya and Mr.S.Ghosh from VFX and Animation Academy , Reliance Education had enlightened the students on the prospects of the VFX and Animation Courses and the career opportunities associated with it. The job prospects associated with such courses were also discussed.  
19.12.2016 Career Orientation Programme on Government Jobs titled “Career Awareness Programme on Government Jobs” The Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College in collaboration with Rice Education Basirhat . The Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College in collaboration with Rice Education, Basirhat have conducted a One- day Seminar on Career Awareness Programme on Government Jobs. Many eminent persons were present in the session which included Mr.Barun Bhattacharya, Branch Director, Mr.Sayan Mitra, the Branch Manager, Pallabi Banik,the councillor , and Sk.Abdul Latif , the Branch developer. The Branch Director and the Branch Manager had apprised the students about the various career opportunities associated with Government jobs and how to succeed in the entrance examinations .The students were informed about the State and Central Government jobs available and how to prepare themselves in order to appear for such jobs. Dr. J.Jana, a renowned author of WBCS books had enlightened the students on the different types of Government jobs and how to get through the different entrance tests required for them. The students were immensely benefitted by their suggestions as most of the students aspire to get employed in government jobs.  
Career Awareness Programme on the “CMA (Cost and Management Accounting Course” The Career Counselling and the Placement Cell of Taki Government College in association with the Institute of Cost Accountants of India-Eastern India, Regional Council. The Career Counselling and the Placement Cell of Taki Government College in association with the Institute of Cost Accountants in India have organised a Career awareness session on the CMA course to apprise the students about the students about the importance of the CMA course in the present economic scenario. The students were also informed about the job opportunities associated with this particular course and the procedure required for applying in this professional course. Many eminent persons like the Chairman, CMA Mr. Bibekananda Mukhopadhyay, the Vice Chairman CMA Mr. Pranab Kr.Chakraborty and the Education Officer Mr.Trilochan Ghosh (IT) , ERIC of ICAI were present to apprise the students about various aspects of the course. About 70 students from different stream were present in this seminar.  
13.04.2017 The screening of the film “Nibhritochari –The Solitary Soul”followed by a discussion on Film Making as a career option was organised in Taki Government College. The Career Counselling and the Placement Cell of Taki Government College The Career Counselling and Placement Cell , Taki Government College had invited film director Mr .Sourav Sarkar to screen his film “Nibhritochari-The Solitary Soul” and it was followed a discussion on the film and also film making as a career option. Mr. Sarkar stressed on the positive aspects of life in an old age home thereby challenging the negative image of such homes as places where the aged are neglected and left uncared for. Mr.Sarkar also advised the students on job opportunities related to the field of media and entertainment. There was a considerable amount of student participation mainly from the Post graduate departments of English and Bengali. The students actively participated in the discussion and a very positive response from the students was noticed.  
28.06.2017 A career counselling session on JBNSTS (Jagadish Bose National Science Talent Search) Tests was organized in Taki Government College. This session was organised by the Department of Mathematics under the aegis of the Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government, College. The department of Mathematics in collaboration with the Career Counselling and the Placement Cell, Taki Government College had organised a career counselling session for the Faculty members of the Science departments to make them aware of the JBNSTS (Jagadish Chandra National Science) Talent Search Senior Scholarship tests 2017, for Basic Sciences, Medicine and the Engineering students. Two officials from JBNSTS who attended this session were Mr. Prasenjit Chakraborty (Addl. Clerk) and Mr. Dipankar Sarkar (Library Staff and Assitant.)
The JBNSTS officials spoke about the course and apprised the Departmental Heads and the faculty members about the nature and duration of scholarships to be given as well as the basic procedures of these tests, such that they can make their students aware of such tests and the scholarships to be given after clearing these tests, mainly to the students of Basic Sciences (both UG and PG), Medicine and Engineering. The needy students could make use of the scholarship for pursuing Higher Education. Some students from the Science departments also attended the said .programme. The faculty members and the students were immensely benefitted by this session.
31.08.2017 A seminar on “Career Awareness on Film Making and Script Writing” was organised for the PG students of English and Bengali departments. This seminar was organised by the Career Counselling and the Placement Cell, Taki Government in collaboration with the English and Bengali Departments of this College. This seminar was organised for the Post Graduate students of English and Bengali departments to apprise them about the different aspects of Film Making and Script Writing as a career option and the opportunities and the challenges associated with it. Mr. Sounava Bose , an eminent scriptwriter enlightened the PG students about the different forms of script writing, he also informed them about how script writing would be different for different media like that of drama, television and cinema. He also apprised them of the opportunities and prospects of script writing and the challenges associated with it .The students were immensely benefitted by his discourse.
The second session consisted of a discourse by Mr. Sourav Sarkar , an upcoming film director who spoke on the problems and prospects of film making as a career option. He apprised the students about the financing of films and the cost associated with film making. He also mentioned about the problems associated with the arrangement of funds, proper mobilisation of funds and optimal utilisation of funds. At the end of the session one of his short films “Anoochcharito” was screened for the students.
The students were immensely benefitted by the two sessions. An interactive session was held after each lecture where the students participated actively and a very positive response was noticed.
09.02.2018 A Career Awareness Session Titled “Career Orientation in Information Technology”. This session was organized by Taki Government College in collaboration with The Indian Institute of Information Technology, (IIIT)-WB Basirhat, North 24 Parganas. This seminar was organised by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College in association with The Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT)-WB Basirhat , North 24 Parganas to apprise the students about the different career opportunities associated with Information technology. The (IIIT)s are established and managed by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Government of India. IIIT-WB is set up at Basirhat, North 24 Parganas District on a Not-for-profit Public- Private -Partnership (N-PPP) model. The IIIT-WB is a teaching Institute which is focused on the core areas of Information Technology. The students were enlightened on the job opportunities associated with the Information and Communication Technology and the students after completion of graduation can opt for such professional courses which has immense employment opportunities at present. The students were very encouraged by this session and affirmative response from them was noticed.  
08.08.2019 Seminar on
“Career in armed forces”
Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College SqnLdr (Retd) J Chowdhury, Ex-Air Force and Mr.
AmritenduKoley on behalf of Ex- Servicemen Welfare Association & Activities
organized an interactive session with our students. They delivered a lecture and video presentation on the topic
“Career in Armed Forces”.
They sensitized the students about the exciting career prospects in the Indian Armed Forces and also advised them on how to prepare for the Combined Defence Service Examination
30.8.2019 Workshop on “Empowering Learners of Investigative
Science through Hands on Experiments
Career Counselling and Placement Cell & Research and Publications Committee, Taki Government College Professor BirendraNath Das, Vice President, Science Communicator’s Forum, Kolkata conducted a workshop on
“Empowering Learners of Investigative Science through Hands on Experiments”. Prof. Das enthusiastically demonstrated scientific facts through simple hands on experiments. It was a rare opportunity for the students and they eagerly participated in the experiments
and interacted with Prof. Das.
16.1.2020 Career Awareness camp by Bengal
Skill DevelopmentCentre supported by IIITWB on 16.1.2020
Career Counselling and
Placement Cell,Taki Government College
Mr. Mrinmay Ghosh, Secretary of IIITWB,
Mr.SumantoCharborty , BLS of Uthkarsha Bangla, Govt of West Bengal, Ms. Sukla Dutta SDPM of Uthkarsha Bangla, Govt of West Bengal and Mr.
Abdul Owahab Gazi Admin of IIITB interacted with the students and emphasized the importance of technical education for improving their employment prospects . The students were made aware of the opportunity of availing technical education offered absolutely free of cost by PSSD (Pashchim Bangla Society for Skill Development)
Government of West Bengal.
19.2.2020 Career Awareness Camp Sudha Infosys in collaboration with  Career
Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
 Birendra Ranjan Mazumder, CEO, Sudha Infosys explained the students the importance of technical education for improving their employment prospects. They were encouraged to participate in free of cost job oriented training under Uttkarsha Bangla Project. The courses proposed to be offered were for  i) General Duty Assistant ii) Automotive two and three wheeler 80
11.12.2021 Webinar
on “Importance of  Employability Skills”
Naandi Group  in collaboration with  Career
Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
Haimanti Basu
Trainer, Mahindra Pride Classroom emphasized the necessity of improving the employability skills for the students and informed the students about the online courses aimed at improving their employability skills to be offered  free of cost  by the Naandi Group in collaboration with Taki Government College.
7.1.2022 Webinar to celebrate Student’s Week  Topic: “How to face job interviews” Naandi Group in collaboration with  Career
Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
Mahasweta Mitra, Trainer, Mahindra Pride Classroom suggested ways through which the students may prepare themselves for the job market. 85
 19. 02 2022 Webinar Topic: Explore the Career Opportunities in Govt. Sector & Unlock the Potentials in You Rice Education in collaboration with  Career
Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
Soumya Banerjee and Pradip Koley
from  Rice Education informed the students about the Career Opportunities in Govt. Sector and how the students may prepare themselves for these jobs.
25.03.2022 A Career Talk Programme Directorate of Employment Exchange,
Basirhat, North 24 Pgs in collaboration with  Career
Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
Mr. Victor Roy (WBES), The Deputy Director of Employment, DEE, Basirhat interacted with the students on the importance of career planning. He spoke of the importance of ‘upskilling’ oneself to remain relevant in the job market. He made a data-rich presentation stressing upon the hybrid sector which increasingly encourages cross-discipline job opportunities. A Q & A session soon followed, where the students were introduced to various measures to provide special coaching, mock test preparation, training of domestic workers and self-employment awareness and motivation programmes in place for their benefit by the state.  
26.08.2022 A workshop titled “Emerging Career Opportunities” by  Anudip Foundation and the Career Counselling and
Placement Cell of Taki Government College
The speakersfocused on the importance of digital education (advanced Excel) and spoken English communication skills for career enhancement in the increasingly blended workplace and employment requirements.The foundation provides for blended courses, as a part of their social corporate responsibility. A nominal fee of 1000/- is charged for a three-month course of advanced Excel skills for the students. 76
23.11.2022 An interactive session with the students of Taki Government College Career Counselling and Placement Cell, TGC and Jio associates The students were apprised of the various entry level career opportunities, offered by Jio. A certification will be provided to students who will complete the entire semester divided course, which would enable them to gain an entry into the telecom sector, with its increasing demands with the new 5G service. The students had a productive and interactive session with the Jio associates at the college. 19
6.1.2023 Seminar titled: “Explore          the career opportunities     in government sector and unlock the         potential    in you”, Rice Education in collaboration with Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College The seminar was organized as a part of the student’s week celebration. The speakers introduced various job opportunities that the government sector (both at the central as well as the state level) provides as a potential career prospect for the students at the verge of graduation. The students were briefed on choosing the right exam according to their potential,                              preparation methods, and interview preparations techniques that the RICE Barasat can offer these students at such a crucial stage in their career building. A highly interactive seminar, the students benefited from the information provided to them of the various jobs prospects in the government sector. The Q & A session was particularly useful as the attending students utilized this forum to clear their doubts through focused query 20
  1. Seminar titled “Job Opportunities in SBI”
  2. Campus Recruitment Drive  for       two positions in SBI Life Part time Trainee Officer
SBI Life
in collaboration with Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
A seminar was jointly organised by Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College and SBI Life on career opportunities for job aspirants on 16th June 2023. The seminar garnered enthusiastic response from the student body. The targeted audience of the seminar were the final year students and the recent graduates from this institution. The spokesperson was very well received, followed by an initial screening process among selected candidates for the jobs being offered. Several of the students were invited (screened) for a further multi- step interview and selection process at the Basirhat branch of the office. 198
01.12.2023 Career Awareness Workshop Anudip Foundation    in collaboration with Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College The speaker Mrs. Madhurima Saha Sarkar focused on the importance of digital education and spoken English communication skills for career enhancement. They apprised        the        students regarding        the        various foundation courses offered to the interested students by Anudip Foundation as a part of their social corporate responsibility at a very nominal fee. 47
21.12.2023 Seminar           on “OBSERVANCE OF          NATIONAL CONSUMER DAY, 2023” Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices, GoWB        –

Barasat            in collaboration with Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
The organisers reached the students with their social message of fair business practices where
different         issues          like recognising                            trademarks (woolmark,            fssai                 etc)                      and consumer rights were aptly touched upon, benefitting the students        as                                           potential consumers.                The                                          students enthusiastically

participated     and      benefitted from the seminar.

Report of Programmes organized by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College during 01/01/2019 to 01/02/2020


    SqnLdr (Retd) J Chowdhury delivering lecture in the seminar on “CAREER IN ARMED FORCES”
    A Seminar on “Career in armed forces” was organised by Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College on 08.08.2019.SqnLdr (Retd) J Chowdhury, Ex-Air Force and Mr. AmritenduKoley on behalf of Ex-Servicemen Welfare Association & Activitiesconduced an interactive session with our students. Dr. Biplab Chattopadhyay, Principal, Taki Government College welcomed the team and gave a brief introduction on the career prospects in the armed forces and urged the students to actively participate in the seminar.SqnLdr (Retd) J Chowdhury and Mr. AmritenduKoley delivered lectures and video presentations on the topic “CAREER IN ARMED FORCES”.They sensitized the students about the exciting career prospects in the Indian Armed Forces and also advised them on how to prepare for the Combined Defence Service Examination. The students eagerly participated in the discussions and asked a number of relevant questions about the various career prospects in the armed forces.


    Professor BirendraNath Das conducting experiments in the workshop

    A Workshop on “Empowering Learners of Investigative Science through Hands on Experiments” was organized by Career Counselling and Placement Cell & Research and Publications Committee, Taki Government College 30.8.2019.  Professor BirendraNath Das,Vice President, Science Communicator’s Forum, Kolkata conducted the workshop.Dr. Biplab Chattopadhyay, Principal, Taki Government introduced Prof. Das to the students and encouraged the students to utilise the opportunity to learn from Prof. Das.  Prof. Das enthusiastically demonstrated scientific facts through simple hands on experiments. It was a rare opportunity for the students and they eagerly participated in the experiments and interacted with Prof. Das.

  • Career Awareness camp by Bengal Skill Development Centre supported by IIITWB

    A Career Awareness camp was organised by Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College on 16.1.2020. The camp was conducted by Bengal Skill Development Centre supported by IIITWB.. Dr. Biplab Chattopadhyay, Principal, Taki Government welcomed the team of resource persons andexplained the students about the need of keeping themselves informed about the latest trends in technical education. Mr. MrinmayGhosh , Secretary of IIITWB, Mr.Sumanto Charborty , BLS of Uthkarsha Bangla, Govt of West Bengal,  Ms. Sukla Dutta SDPM of  Uthkarsha Bangla, Govt of West Bengal  and Mr. Abdul Owahab Gazi Admin of IIITB  interacted with the students and emphasized the importance of technical education for improving their employment prospects.. The students were made aware of the opportunity of availing technical education offered absolutely free of cost by PSSD, (Pashchim Bangla Society for Skill Development) Government of West Bengal.

  • Employability Training for Students
    Trainer Name Topic Date Day Time Hour
    MAHASWETA MITRA Session - 1 27-12-2021 MONDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 2 28-12-2021 TUESDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 3 29-12-2021 WEDNESDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 4 30-12-2021 THURSDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 5 03-01-2022 MONDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 6 05-01-2022 WEDNESDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 7 06-01-2022 THURSDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 8 07-01-2022 FRIDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 9 08-01-2022 SATURDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 10 10-01-2022 MONDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 11 11-01-2022 TUESDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 12 12-01-2022 WEDNESDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 13 13-01-2022 THURSDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 14 14-01-2022 FRIDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Session - 15 15-01-2022 SATURDAY 06:30 PM To 08:30 PM 2
    Total 15 Days 30 Hours 30

    Mahindra Pride Classroom, which is a flagship CSR initiative of the Mahindra Group implemented by Naandi Foundation conducted an online employability training for the students of Taki Government College, from 27.12.2021 to 15.01.2022. The details of the program schedule are as follows

  • Career Talk Programme 25.03.2022
  • Workshop by the Anudip Foundation ( 26.08.2022)
  • 06.01.2023 RICE Education in collaboration with Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
  • 16.6.2023
    SBI Life in collaboration with Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College
  • 01.12.2023
    Anudip Foundation in collaboration with Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki
  • 21.12.2023
    Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices, GoWB – Barasat in collaboration with Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government College

    A virtual Job Utsav was organized for the students of Taki Government College who are trained by Mahindra Pride Classroom by the Naandi Group on 18th February 2022 from 9 am to 5 pm

Campus drive organised by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell for the Students of Taki Government College.

The Career Counselling and the Placement Cell of the Taki Government College had been established with the aim of providing the students a sense of direction and exposure to the different job opportunities available in the market. One of the primary purposes of the establishment of this Cell was to invite the corporate sector, training Institutions etc. to place mainly the outgoing students of this college who are seeking jobs. Keeping this in view the Career Counselling and the Placement Cell of Taki Government College had organised a Campus drive in collaboration with the BMA Wealth Creators Ltd. in order to provide placements to the students.

The BMA Wealth Creators Ltd. is one of the biggest providers of the customised financial services in eastern India. This Particular Company have requested the Career Counselling and Placement Cell of Taki Government College through an e-mail for a long-run business tie –up where they can place the students of this College in different sectors of their organisation . The BMA Wealth Creators Ltd. has two corporate entities represented by BMA Wealth Creators Ltd. and BMA Commodities Private Ltd. They were looking for people in the posts of Tele Sales Officer in the fields of Real Estate and Insurance.

The Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Taki Government college with the prior approval of the Head of the Institution (the –then Officer –in-Charge) had invited the BMA Wealth Creators Ltd. to conduct a Campus Interview at Taki Government College .The Campus Interview was organised on December 16th, 2016.Two officials from BMA Wealth Creators ( Mr.J.Dhabaldeb and Ms. R.Das) were present to take the interview. There were two rounds of interview. The first round had taken place in Taki Government College campus.

About 63 candidates (college students) from both Science and Humanities departments have participated in the campus interview, out of which 9 candidates were selected in the First Round. For the Second Round of interview about 16 candidates were short listed. However, the rest of the candidates (around 38) were rejected. The performance of the Selected and the Short listed candidates were very good (as received from the feedback of the recruiters). These 25 candidates were called for the Second round of interview with their credentials in their main office. Although some of the selected and short listed candidates were present in the Second Round of interview and all were selected and asked to join immediately but unfortunately, they were not interested to join the job then. The possible reasons cited by them for not joining the job were that most of them were 2nd year students and their Part II Examination were approaching and they needed time to prepare for that, some of them said they were not very comfortable to stay at Kolkata which is quite far off from their place etc. It was very unfortunate that the selected students did not join the job but the initial response from them was very positive. They have given a positive feedback to such an endeavour of the Career Counselling and Placement Cell and have requested the Cell to undertake such endeavours again.

The Career Counselling and the Placement Cell of this Institution also encourages the students of both Post Graduate (PG) and Under Graduate (UG) departments to apply for different Government jobs and has conducted some in- house workshops on Communications and Personality development to inspire them and apprise them about the ways of CV Writing ,techniques of an interview etc. This has immensely motivated the students to sit for government jobs and some of them have been successful in securing different types of government jobs mainly in colleges and schools as Assistant Professors , Primary teachers etc in the last five years. These candidates have voluntarily informed the Institution and the Career Counselling and the Placement Cell about their success in these government jobs.

The job description/Post of the candidates who have secured government jobs in the last five years are enumerated below:

Sl. No Job Descrption/Post Names of the candidate Institution / Organisation
1 Assistant Professor Mr.Biswajit Das Taki Government College
2 Assistant Teacher Shri .Arghya Mondal Neruli Abad FP School under Minakan Circle
3 Assistant Teacher Shri. Sirajul Gazi Paschim Barunhat FP School under Hasnabad South circle.
4 Assistant Teacher Shri. Nadu Gopal Sarkar Taki S.L Girls Junior Basic School under Hasnabad Circle.
5 Assistant Teacher Smt. Puja Ghosh Town Hasnabad F P School under Hasnabad Circle.
6 Assistant Teacher Shri Debashish Ghosh Taki S L Girls Junior Basic School under Hasnabad Circle.
7 Sukhani(Group ‘C’ PostNon- Ministerial Shri Pintu Sardar Government of India, Ministry of Finance , Dept. of Revenue Office of the Commission of Customs (Preventive), 110 M.G. Road Shillong-793001, Meghalaya.
8 Care –taker Shri. Sujoy Adhikary Taki Nripendra Atithisala Guest House under Taki Municipality

All the programmes organised by the Career Counselling and the Placement Cell, Taki Government College had been immensely successful. These programmes are received by the students wholeheartedly and with a lot of enthusiasm. Feedback from the students had been very positive. As per the recommendations of the students the Cell tries to arrange for Career Orientation Programmes which will benefit them in future. Several other programmes are going to be held in the near future and this will be an ongoing process.