Taki Govt. College

Taki Government College

Accredited by NAAC with Grade B+(CGPA 2.73)
since 30th January 2025

Affiliated to West Bengal State University (WBSU)

Vision , Mission, Priority & Thrust


The College has a committed vision to develop both a space and a system that blends tradition with modernity, and diversity with inclusivity. Promotion of certain broad social agenda, while upgrading its academic and infrastructural resources commensurate with the industry-standards, are part of the broader goal. Attainment of truth instead of compromise, promotion of equal treatment instead of preferential standards, creating space for justice and respect instead of any narrative, dialogue with stakeholders instead of top-down approach, camaraderie with peers instead of customary existence, and removal of difficulties instead of prejudice – these are some of its preferred instruments.

Focus on enhancing capability, accessibility, and capacity-building of both the institution, its teachers and its students forms the core of its vision. Many structural constraints often restrict the true extent of human spirit. Language barrier, technological obstacles, financial limitations, lack of grooming and soft-skills – these are some of the factors that force the students from the hinterland to curtail their ambitions. Here the College has a vision to be an enabler in their quest for true form of expression. With the help of modern teaching aids and congenial approach, cultivation of the tomorrow’s citizens shall improve the standard of academic pursuit and in turn shall upgrade their quality of life.

The socio-cultural backdrop of the locality being a typical factor for any institution, it helps the institution acquire unique qualities that enhance its contribution to national growthand prosperity. Whereas the College primarily deals with many first-generation learners, it has a vision to integrate them into mainstream society as confident and smart citizens, infusein themthe spirit of social responsibility and human values, and prepare them to become productive and successful in life. The institution aims to nurture self-reliant students who develop leadership qualities and contribute to nation-building throughout their lives.


In tune with the broad vision of enhancing capability, accessibility, and capacity-buildingand the development of a space and a system blending tradition with modernity, and diversity with inclusivity, the College has a mission to dedicate its collective efforts to provide comprehensive support for the weaker sections of the society.

Its specific objectives include:

  • Enhancing the institution's infrastructure to ensure proper space for pursuit of quality, discipline and excellence by every student.
  • Active monitoring and promotion of scholarship schemes to benefit the maximum number of eligible students, while keeping the cost of educational attainment at a nominal level.
  • Creation of a digital architecture of learning and management in the spirit of accessibility, thereby eliminating the digital divide.
  • Incorporation of E-governance in every sphere of administration for transparency and time-bound and effective delivery of services.
  • Upgrading the library with new publications and industry-standard amenity and infusing the laboratories with state-of-the-artfacilities.
  • Providing hostel accommodations for all needy students.
  • Stimulating collaborations with both peer and premier institutions with an objective to enhance capability and capacity-building.
  • Accommodating the diversity in faith, social standing, gender and economic affluence of all studentsin a congenial atmosphere of equality and mutual respect.
  • Creating accountability for employees and administration through honest feedback and transparent mechanisms of governance.
  • Creating a robust architecture for deterrence against the menace of ragging, bullying, sexual harassment, trafficking, cyber-crime, social stigma and dogmatic pursuit.
  • Cultivating institutional social responsibility at a broad level and inculcating social values within students, to prepare them for future.


  • To impart quality and value based education to all coming from varied social and economical background and thus to maintain the essence of inclusiveness.
  • To put determined efforts in nourishing all around development of the students and to thus make them achieve their cherished goal.
  • To empower the women students by encouraging them to go for higher education so that they get extensive access to the domain of contemporary knowledge reserve and can acquire compeer prominence with all others in the Society upholding the constitutional paradigm of equality.
  • To engrain understanding and permeate confidence amongst the differently abled students about their latent potentials and thus to bring them in the mainstream of the Society.
  • To endeavour for implementing the scheme of 'Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education' and hence to make the process of imparting education contextual and appealing.
  • To develop awareness among all the young students about their social responsibilities and to infuse knowledge as well as human values within them so that they become good citizens and take active part in societal progress.


  • To extend all possible support and opportunities to the students from the weaker sections of society so that all can access higher education without any discrimination.
  • To generate awareness amongst the students, particularly those from marginal economical background, about the availability of various scholarships and stipends so that they can put their prime efforts prevalently for academic pursuit and flourish.
  • To provide hostel and other allied facilities to students coming from far off places and from marginal background so that they can concentrate more on their academic career.
  • To provide required assistance to the differently abled students to the highest extent realizable so as to enhance their self-reliance and thus to make them come to the mainstream of social life.
  • To create a substantive pool of devices essential to ICT Learning such as Computers, LCD Projectors, Internet facility & all allied peripherals, and to make them accessible for teaching as well as for informative self-education of students.
  • To encourage and support the students to take active part in extracurricular activities such as games and sports, indoor games, cultural performances, National Service Schemes (NSS) and other prototypes, so that they remain in good health and have sound minds which would essentially improve their academic performance and boost their creative instincts.