Taki Govt. College

Taki Government College

Accredited by NAAC with Grade B+(CGPA 2.73)
since 30th January 2025

Affiliated to West Bengal State University (WBSU)

Departmental Profile

Year of Establishment :


Names of Programmes / Courses offered :

UG (Honours and General)

Number of Teaching Post

Name of the post Sanctioned Filled
Professor Nil Nil
Associate Professor Nil 1 (By CAS)
Assistant Professor 4 3
Part-time faculty Nil 1

Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled

Category of Staff Sanctioned Filled
Academic support staff (technical) NIL NIL
Administrative/Supporting staff NIL NIL

Details of Infrastructural Facilities and Logistic Support :

The department of Political Science offers to its students a departmental library with rich collection of books of vernacular and English, national and international titles. Students and faculties of the department enjoy Wi-Fi facilities within the college campus during the entire college hours.

Program Outcome

  • To impart English-medium based undergraduate level education that is Bachelor Degree in Science and Arts courses in accordance with affiliating University's Curriculum and the UGC Guidelines.
  • Understanding and Correlating between Theoretical and Experimental aspects of the subjects (highly essential for Laboratory based subjects).
  • Developing concepts in Pure Subjects along with Applied and Interdisciplinary Subject Areas for Real Life Applications.
  • Identify various Academic and Professional areas.
  • Catering to the needs of Present Day Problems & allied Thrust Areas and Service to Human Race.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO)

Political Science – Role of politics and respective public political systems in different spheres in our society (National and International), their influence to improve upon discipline specific activities and future career goals.

Course Outcomes

Students graduating in Political Science

  • Will be able to formulate and construct logical arguments about political phenomena and an ability to evaluate these through empirical and theoretical methods.
  • Will have the understanding of how political institutions emerge, how they operate, how they interact with their external environment, and how they shape individual and collective behaviour.
